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Competitive Research Grants

Smart Farm in Danville

Grants and Funding Opportunities for CALS Faculty and their collaborators

  • Global, Domestic, Fellowship and Internal opportunities are added to this site once they become available. 

Helpful Links

  • Biosketch
    • “The Biographical Sketch should be limited to 2 pages each in length, excluding publications listings. The vitae should include a presentation of academic and research credentials, as applicable (e.g., earned degrees, teaching experience, employment history, professional activities, honors and awards, and grants received). Include a chronological list of all publications in refereed journals during the past 4 years, including those in press. Also, list only those non-refereed technical publications that have relevance to the proposed project. all authors in the same order as they appear on each paper cited, along with the title and complete reference as these usually appear in journals”
  • Current and Pending Template, Project Summary Template, Conflict of Interest Templates
  • Logic Model Template
  • Data Management Plan


Kira Gantt
Grants Coordinator

Lesley Mitchell
Grants Specialist

Johanna Cricenti
CALS Global Grants Specialist