Tom Thompson
Thomas Thompson, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, CALS
250 Drillfield Drive, Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Tom Thompson is Associate Dean in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) at Virginia Tech, Director of CALS Global, and Professor of Agronomy. Thompson earned BS, MS, and PhD degrees in agronomy and soil science and served as Professor and Extension Specialist at the University of Arizona and Professor and Department Head at both Texas Tech University and Virginia Tech before assuming his current position. Thompson has published more than 65 refereed journal articles and garnered more than $87 million in extramural competitive funding and more than $11 million in philanthropic support. His expertise is in soil, water, and nutrient management and climate-smart agriculture. Thompson is also Executive Editor of the Global Agricultural Productivity Report (GAP Report). The annual GAP Report is a global thought leader in agricultural productivity growth and engages audiences around the world.