CALS Student Forms

Welcome to CALS online student forms. Below you will find forms that can be submitted online as well as those that are fillable-PDF forms that need to be downloaded to your computer and completed, then upload using our forms submission link on this website - by either you or your advisor.
Paper forms will not be accepted. All forms will be processed either entirely online or as instructed below for PDF forms. For further information, contact Maria Woods at
Submittable online forms are completed entirely online and do not require a signature from your advisor.
For online submission follow the link, log in with your email (do not use gmail) and complete the form. You will get a confirmation that the form has been received, and an email when your form has been processed.
Use this form to add a CALS minor or drop a CALS minor. If you do not have a CALS Major, you are still eligible to complete this form.
Request Permission to add or drop Secondary Major.
If you are a CALS major and you want to add a major outside of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences you will need to go to the College of the secondary major you will to add.
Request permission to ADD an Option to your Primary or Secondary CALS major.
- This form is to ADD an Option only to your Primary or Secondary CALS Major.
- If you wish to drop an option at the same time, you will need to complete the DROP option form.
- Add and Drop Option forms are for CALS Primary and Secondary Majors only. If you wish to Add or Drop an Option outside of CALS, please complete the form in the appropriate college.
Request permission to Drop an Option to your Primary or Secondary CALS major.
- This form is to Drop an Option only to your Primary or Secondary CALS Major.
- If you wish to add an option at the same time, you will need to complete the ADD Option form.
- Add and Drop Option forms are for CALS Primary and Secondary Majors only. If you wish to Add or Drop an Option outside of CALS, please complete the form in the appropriate college.
The W Grade option is available after the last day to drop a course through the last day of classes each term.
This form is used for students in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (regardless of which department is teaching the course) that are seeking to apply for a W grade for a course in the current term.
You may only use a W Grade 3 times.
Associate degree students in the Agricultural Technology Program may only use a W Grade 1 time.
Request permission to late add/ drop a course or change grade mode after the published deadlines. (Extenuating circumstances are required for a request to be considered.)
An overload request is used when students wish to take above the maximum number of hours in a specific term. Use this form if you would like to take over 19 credits in the fall or spring semesters, over 6 credits in the winter session, or 18 credits in summer session.
A request to change a course grade option prior to the published deadline please see the academic calendar. Please do not wait until the last day to change grade option. Contact the Office of the University Registrar by email to process a change of grade mode prior to the 5 pm deadline.
To review the P/F grading policy, visit It is the student’s responsibility to read and understand the guidelines for the P/F grading option.
DEADLINE: See Registrar's Website
This form should only be used for changing exams due to 3 or more within a 24 hour period or exam conflicts. Neither the academic dean’s office nor the instructor will allow an exam change due to travel, business, or family plans. Please do not ask.
Authorization of Transfer Credit PDF
**It is highly recommended that you talk with your advisor before taking courses for transfer credit to be sure you do not have more than 60 credits transferred from an institution outside of Virginia Tech, and that you are not taking a duplicate course**
Forms are not required for courses taken in the Virginia Community College System (VCCS). Please research the Transfer Guide to be sure that you will receive credit at Virginia Tech for the courses taken. Transfer Guide can be found here.
If you are taking a course outside of the VCCS at a 2- year or 4-year institution, the Transfer Authorization is required, and you must have an advisor signature.
Please check the Transfer Guide for equivalency. If the course is not found in the Transfer Guide, you must provide a syllabus, and have it evaluated for equivalency prior to taking the course to be sure that it will transfer to Virginia Tech. These can be uploaded as a separate document with your signed Transfer Authorization form.
All forms must be uploaded into the portal. Email will not be accepted or in person.
Upon completion of the course(s) at the transfer institution, VCCS or otherwise, the student must request an official transcript be sent to Virginia Tech’s University Registrar electronically or by mail: Office of the University Registrar, Virginia Tech, Student Services Building, Suite 250, 800 Washington Street SW, Blacksburg, VA 24061. Failure to do so will result in no credit for the transfer courses.
Undergraduate Research/Independent Study PDF
- Forms must be downloaded and completed in entirety.
- DEPARTMENT/ADVIOSRS will upload the form to CALS AP following their department procedure. Forms will be returned if incomplete or not in compliance with departmental procedure. Forms are due by the end of the first week of class.
Documentation for Assignment of an Incomplete Grade (I) for Undergraduate Students
- Forms must be downloaded and completed in entirety.
- Forms will be returned to the Dean for the college for the COURSE, not the student’s major.
- Forms must be downloaded and completed in entirety.
- Forms must be signed by the student and the advisor and uploaded below
Resignation/Withdrawal, Academic Relief, Leave of Absence, and Medical Resignation
Students facing extenuating circumstances that are compromising the completion of their academic responsibilities must email to meet with the Academic Programs Office.
Authorization to Take Courses Abroad
To request permission to take courses abroad through virtual learning, semester exchange, third-party program, or any study abroad experience you must have the approval of the Global Education Office and have transcripts mailed to the Global Education Office, 526 Prices Ford Road, Blacksburg, VA 24061 to receive credit for courses at VT.
Please visit Global Education Office Studying Abroad to get step-by-step details on applying to take courses abroad or through an international institution.
By registering you will have a study abroad account that has all the mandatory paperwork you need to submit. One of the forms in your study abroad account will be the “Authorization to Take Courses Abroad” form which you need to submit for your credits to be reviewed for transfer.
International students attending Virginia Tech must request permission to take courses at an institution in their home country and receive transfer credit for courses at VT.
You must register your experience with the Global Education Office.
Register here if you’ll be taking online courses at an institution in your home country.
Register here if you’ll be taking courses in-person at an institution in your home country.
By registering you will have a study abroad account that has all the mandatory paperwork you need to submit.
Re-Examination Approval (PDF) - For Seniors only
Scholarship Applications
John Lee Pratt Animal Nutrition SUMMER Scholarship
John Lee Pratt Animal Nutrition SENIOR RESEARCH Scholar Program